Tuesday, December 30, 2008

how to spend Christmas on an island

How do you spend Christmas on an island? Well I offer the following help.

1. First you have to get an invitation. Invite yourself if you must.

2. Scramble for the ferry. Look at the ferry schedule and choose a ferry with a back-up ferry close behind. This means you won't have to wait as long unless you miss both ferries then just hope there is still another ferry coming sometime before tomorrow.

3. Drive as fast as you can towards the ferry. Try not to stop for food or bathroom breaks if at all possible. This is much easier if there aren't any little people or big people with small bladders.

4. Arrive at ferry and realize there are only 15 cars in line and you will definitely make your ferry of choice but you could have stopped for a snack or bathroom break.

5. Go to lane 4 and then tell your husband he has parked in the wrong lane because the snow is covering the numbers. Make him get into the other lane and then keep asking every 5 minutes if he is sure we are now in the correct lane but don't bother to ask anyone yourself.

6. Nephews arrive and make a beeline for your truck. They have to sit on your lap in the front seats since the back seat is very full. Now you realize you will be taking them and their stuff back with you and you are not sure how this is going to happen now.

7. On the ferry enjoy the ride and knowledge that you actually are on your intended ferry though it isn't quite as satisfying since the ferry isn't full.

8. Arrive at the parents house in time for the traditional Christmas Eve cheese and chocolate fondue. You made it just in time though am pretty sure they would have waited for you.

9. Reassure the nephews that Santa can still visit on an island even without a fireplace and that he knows they aren't at their house.

9. On Christmas morning wake to the sound of nephews talking and anxiously wanting to open their stocking and presents from Santa.

10. Watch nephews open presents and secretly (or not so secretly) envy their new Nintendo DS's. Wish Santa would have brought you one.

11. Open stockings and realize someone knew about your love for Glassybaby's. Hurray! Now you just need about 25 more (make that 50)!

12. Watch Dad BBQ a salmon - on an island we don't have routine food like turkey and hams for Christmas dinner.

13. Peel shrimp to go along with the salmon. These are shrimp caught by dad (over the summer of course in season so no need for the Fish and Game Dept to pay a visit) and frozen. We are using the last of the season's catch for Christmas - yum!

14. Eat salmon and shrimp for dinner knowing that this just happens on an island. Wish dad had caught even more shrimp (or I had eaten less over the summer) and ask when shrimping season opens again.

15. Play Scrabble and more scrabble. Annoy everyone not playing scrabble by making up random words and then realizing some are actually in the Scrabble dictionary.

16. The day after Christmas eat omelets and sausage for breakfast then head to Roche Harbor for the donut run because donuts taste better on an island. Walk so you have an excuse to eat more donuts.

17. After the donuts walk the long way to burn off at least 1/2 the calories in 1 donut and wish you had maybe eaten another one since they are so good. Wish you had been smart enough to put on boots instead of tennis shoes to walk through the snow and ice after you crash and realize big bruises will form.

18. See 3 bald eagles and crab pots along the beach on your walk because you are on an island where these things are common.

19. Head back to the house and play more Nintendo DS and Scrabble games during the big wind and rain storm. Be grateful you are in a warm cozy house where even granddogs get to come in outside out of the storm, though Dad still secretly thinks they should be outside.

20. Have turkey for dinner the day after Christmas because on an island at Christmas you have salmon instead but there is still a need for turkey sandwiches.

21. Get up the next morning and once again head down for donuts and your walk but take the short way since it will be soon time to catch the ferry again. Once again wish you had on your boots instead of tennis shoes - too bad there isn't another day on the island since maybe you would have learned your lesson by then.

22. Get a panicked call from your sister telling you they are on the lane up top for their ferry but they should still make it. Keep walking by your dad on the computer while he checks how many cars are in the lanes.

23. The phone rings again and it is the sister saying the ferry wasn't all the way full so no worries.

24. Pack up all our gear and the nephews gear for the trip back. Somehow it all fits but much of it is in the back with Calvin and luckily the little dudes don't need to have their feet on the floor.

25. Drive the truck on the ferry by yourself since Sam, Dad, and the nephews are still in the boat store and didn't leave in time to drive on the ferry. Frantically call them saying the ferry will leave without them.

26. Watch them show up with a minute to spare. Go up top and play some more DS games and wish we had more time on the island during Christmas.

27. Hope secretly mom and dad's house doesn't sell and we will get to spend another Christmas on an island sometime.

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