Thursday, November 13, 2008

another reason to love fall

I had another reminder this morning about why I love fall so much - eggnog and pumpkin lattes. I have been a huge fan of eggnog lattes for years and am always bummed when they are gone for the season but last year Tanya convinced me to try the pumpkin latte. After a sip I was sold - I mean seriously what else says Turkey Day or a crisp fall morning like a pumpkin latte.

Now I just have to figure out how to get Sam to make those for me. But first we have to get a new espresso machine - ours is dead. This is a horrible tragedy since Sam cannot function with his morning caffeine. Diet Cokes are excellent but this doesn't quite cut it in the morning. Trust me on this one I have been commuting in with him on the way to work the last two mornings.

Please Sam hurry up and decide which machine you are going to buy. We desperately need to get you your morning latte caffeine fix and you really need to learn how to make pumpkin lattes for me. This is at the top of your to do list this weekend!

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