Tuesday, April 8, 2008

360 degrees

We are once again facing another reorg where I spend many of my waking hours. I am sure everyone who has ever worked for any corporation knows the dread that comes with the word reorg in an organization. It is enough to strike terror and fear in the heart of any employee no matter how secure we might feel in our job and how much we enjoy where we work.

I am not sure what suddenly motivates a company, the same company who can take eons to figure out and move on other items, to suddenly announce a reorg within months or a year of a previous reorg and have the process complete within a month. The oddest part of the whole situation is that whatever the new organization looks like if the company is older than 5 years they have already had this "new" structure in place before. The new executives or the consulting company have suddenly discovered the way we were set up several reiterations ago suddenly will work much more efficiently now than it did previously.

Waiting for the new org charts has almost become a bit of an office pool - in fact I would like to propose that instead of filling out March madness brackets we should have office reorg brackets and the person who wins the office pool gets to pick any open position in the company they desire. After all the person who wins is very tied into the water cooler gossip and certainly has their pulse on the company.

I just find it all a bit ironic that in every reorg I have ever been a part of we have never really come up with a new structure - it is just a repeat. This one doesn't look to be any exception and I already have my office brackets complete in anticipation.

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