Monday, April 21, 2008

what's for dinner?

Frequently during the day I contemplate my next meal and wonder where and what I will be eating. If I make plans to go out of town I think about where I will be eating. If it is somewhere I have been before I make plans to eat at restaurants I enjoyed, then I look on the internet or ask friends for worthwhile dining suggestions. I think there are even places I visit because I found a restaurant I want to go back to again.

Yep I am probably just a bit too fixated on food and I certainly could miss a meal or 2 without any repercussions but I don't want to give up any dining opportunities. When I visit friends or family I ask about our plans and if they don't mention food I bring it up, though in my family we all seem to mention the food part very early on. I am not much of a snacker but I do really look forward to breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Most of my activities need to include food - if skiing I look forward to lunch in the lodge, if on the boat I bring plenty of snacks and more food than we will ever eat, if meeting friends there will be a restaurant involved of some type. I guess I just really enjoy good food and the part it plays in my life.

Growing up our family get togethers revolved around a meal or 2 and this seems to have carried over into adulthood. I have tried to make a conscious decision lately to not continue eating something if I am not truly enjoying it or just finding it somewhat mediocre. In fact as I write this post I am wondering what dinner will be right now. Yes I guess I am just a bit food oriented but everyone needs to have things they really enjoy and mine is looking forward to my next bite.

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