Friday, July 25, 2008

still looking pale

The weather in Seattle has been great in July. Plenty of sun and weekends spent on the boat. Problem is if you look at me one would think it is still May and I hadn't seen the sun since last September. See I am pale, very pale. Okay very pale without my fake tan. I have plenty of freckles but so far they haven't run together and created a tan. In reality on my hands they probably look more like age spots but I am sticking with freckles.

Growing up my friends would count the number of people whiter than me on the beach - for those keeping track the number never reached above 2. Living in Seattle helps since most everyone is pretty pale for about 9 months out of the year but come July most start to get a bit of a tan. I have spent more money than I care to remember on unlimited tanning sessions only to eventually realize even after 20 sessions I still couldn't see the outline of the sticker they give you to wear in the booth to reapply it in the same spot.

By now you would think I had finally come to terms with this and I have somewhat. I no longer use tanning booths instead I fake it. Fortunately the fake tanning products have improved significantly since the lovely orange color but they are still only as good as the person applying them. Applying fake tan when in a morning rush to head out the door doesn't result in the most attractive application. I have had plenty of less than stellar results - think streaked hands and orange tinted skin but I keep trying. The Mystic Tan booths are great but not always a realistic or timely option.

This is 1 area where I refuse to admit defeat or to give up. I partially blame Sam for the comment he first made the first time I actually appeared to be tan in Hawaii after using self tanner. He told I looked great so tan and then he said the magic words - I looked thinner. Having spent over an hour carefully applying and knowing I didn't have this much time every 3 days I wasn't thrilled about the process but hearing how good it looked definitely made me want to continue.

So if you notice a bit of streaking or that my "tan" fades in and out just ignore it and realize I am just trying to give a bit of color to myself so I too can look like I have ventured outside this summer.

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