Friday, January 16, 2009

sunshine here we come

Saturday morning we leave for one of our favorite warm weather destinations - Playa del Carmen. Actually with all the snow, wind, and rain we have had lately I think anywhere with sunshine and beaches would be welcome at this point. I have to admit I am quite pleased with myself for getting this booked early last September - what foresight I have to know I will be so ready for some beach time right now. But really I am always ready for beach time so on the foresight part it really wasn't that hard to predict.

Of course January in Seattle isn't our most pleasant month of the year. The rain starts to even wear on me a bit and I long for our normal light rain instead of the downpours we have been receiving. Sam swears he is growing webbed feet but I double-checked the other evening and it wasn't so. Plus I pointed out with his love of the water this would actually be a good thing for him if it happened.

Now I just have to start my over-packing. I keep telling myself I just need a few swim suits, reef flip flops, plenty of reading material (ok I have 20 books picked out - Tanya and Carla you had better bring plenty for me to read as well as 20 isn't going to cut it), a few pairs of shorts, a couple of t-shirts, and about 10 bottles of sunscreeen. But in reality I know I will once again bring way too much stuff but I am going to try my hardest.

Of course my packing won't actually begin until Friday night - I don't leave until early Saturday morning so that should be plenty of time to frantically search for my beach attire. I certainly don't need any sleep and sometime I will most likely feel the need to head to Target since I forgot something important like only having 8 bottles of sunscreen instead of the 10 I am predicting I will need.

Hey our extremely white Seattle skin must be protected. I don't think I have actually gotten any true sun exposure since - well that was the last time I was in Playa last January. I don't think I put on a swim suit over the summer except to jump in the sound, it was never warm enough to actually lay out. Immediately the towel went over me and I was bundling up.

One of the most beauteous things about living in Seattle is that we don't have to wear swim suits - it is rarely ever hot enough.

I am looking forward to yummy Mexican food, beach time, sunshine, pool time, reading, snorkeling, fishing, and yep more sunshine. They have a beautiful marina close by and am sure we will have to visit it again so Sam can imagine his boat rocking gently in the harbor. I do share his dream of having our boat down in Playa but don't share the dream of how it would arrive.

Fortunately, since our employers won't give us unlimited paid time off we will be flying the friendly skies and not sailing there though Sam would make an argument against my use of the word fortunately. He would love to sail there but he will have to find a new first mate for that trip. I will fly in to meet him though, after all having a sailboat in Mexico does sound pretty good to me though I doubt I would ever make it back to work again.

Somehow I don't think it would be a big problem for him to find a new first mate am sure there would be plenty of volunteers. I will just remind him of how much he would miss be but in reality I am not sure he would even think of me if he was off sailing to Mexico. Well he might if a storm came up or they were sailing in heavy winds and the boat was heeled way over and then his thoughts would be ones of "so glad Kayla isn't here right now - good call on her not coming along."

I think we will just keep the picture of our sailboat in the marina there as a dream - or if he gets very serious I can use photoshop.

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