Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dark already

I looked out my living room window the other evening and wondered how it was ten already. Turns out even time doesn't go that quickly it was only 7:30. How is it that every year I forget how early it starts to get dark.

It must be self preservation. I don't want to consciously remember that soon it will be dark when I am driving home from work and not because I am a workaholic like some people (SAM). It is because it gets dark so early. The body's clock is definitely set to coordinate with light.

During the summer even I can stay up later but during the winter months I seem to go into hibernation and Sam makes fun of me when I head off to bed before ten. The summer I lived in Alaska even I could stay up half the night and be able to get up early (ok I was much younger then but still).

Now don't tell anyone but since he has to get up for very early morning calls with Europe he has hit the sack before 10 himself. I will have to take a timed picture as proof even he can't refute.

I love fall but when I say that I wonder when I said it was my favorite month did it really get dark this early? I should really leave work that much earlier so I can still catch some daylight - think that will work as an excuse?

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