Wednesday, January 16, 2008

a suit, a sportcoat, business casual, or jeans?

Sam is currently going through job interviews right now. Is there anything more nerve racking?!? Trying to be on your best behaviour, making sure you put on enough deodorant, your outfit hits the right note (wasn't it much easier when you wore your best suit - this casual dress thing really messes it all up) and predicting what someone else really wants to hear.

As someone who has interviewed tons of people, and salespeople at that, I know during an interview you are getting the best you are ever going to see out of that person. They will never dress sharper, be more agreeable, or be trying quite so hard - it is all downhill after that.

Maybe that is why I have been with the same company for 11 almost 12 years (yes I know I am an anomaly) is so I don't have to go on interviews and I can keep being the one who gets to do the interviewing. Though I can't say I really enjoy conducting the interviews myself - maybe it should be like matchmaking. You get paired up with your most compatible employees and then you take them for a test drive.

My part in this whole process is to be the cheerleader (so not me) and edit all the thank you letters. Seems easy enough but let me tell you I am getting a bit tired of editing - I wish you just had 1 or 2 interviews per company instead of the 8 we are going on now.

The good news is that hopefully this will be over soon as Sam decides which direction he will be going. In the meantime I am trying to frantically remember all the grammatical rules and punctuation I learned and hope it hasn't changed as much as our dress code has.

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