Thursday, January 24, 2008

Addiction Alert

It is official I have a serious addiction. Okay well several probably including my daily diet coke, books, and shoes but now I must confess I have another addiction. It is my cell phone – and no it is not the cell portion of it but rather email, SMS, and the internet.

In fact I am very willing and even eager to let many calls go straight to voicemail. It seems I cannot drive anywhere without having my phone out of my purse and available to check for new emails. I know it is now illegal to text while driving but I don’t think sitting at a stoplight counts – at least in my humble opinion, will let you know if the police officer ever begs to differ from me.

How can I suddenly feel like something is missing if I don’t have my phone instantly available and not have the latest email. Okay if I was getting emails telling me I won something, my stocks increased significantly (okay huge fantasy here lately), or Nordstrom was suddenly putting all their shoes at half price I could see why I was so anxiously awaiting the next email but so far none of these have happened. Instead I am anticipating my next work problem, some spam mail, or some company wide email – none of which are really all that exciting or even for the most part time sensitive.

If I am not instantly checking I might somehow be missing something very important. And to think just over 10 years ago I only checked my email once a week instead of at every stop light or traffic jam. Good news is that we will be in Mexico for a week but unfortunately I already checked coverage and data service is available. Wonder if my emails will have the same appeal on the beach?!

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